Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Freaking Year

You know what's it like to compliment onself? It will be like this when you lurkers don't say anything.
"Hats off to me for maintaining this blog with a record 50 posts in the last year".
Thanks to my privileged rare visitors, lurkers and to those who feel like posting a comment but would still refrain themselves in doing so for my god aw'freaking'ful posts.

Hope everyone is back to work after the hangover. Most of my new year thoughts that are supposed to be put here were put in my post last year itself. So I do not want to kill you with the same news again. If you have missed reading it, I am there to present that to you here again. I am thinking one year ahead of you. So catch me if you can? If you can't then, catch whatever you can, but don't give a catch.

Cake cutting was the addition this year which was missing last year, infact every year. Drinks were poured more over one another instead of being consumed. Cake was pasted on everyone's face. My roommate and I were reluctant to wipe off the cake while going out for a 20 min walk to the nearest mall to our house, at 12:30 am on Jan 1st. Police constables, who were warming themselves to the bon fire set up with wood sticks,whom we wished, looked at us and were not so keen to return us the wishes. I said, why don't you smile sirjee even on 31st night and that has removed some butterflies in his stomach.

I do not remember anything important that happened last year. It was over quite fast. Nothing noteworthy to speak off. This year I am sure something's gonna change. I like the year 2009 because it ends with '9'. It sort of gives me a positive feeling when I think and write that date on paper anytime. Ofcourse, results of it will be known only by the year end to how much I liked or disliked.

Don't ever think of making resolutions. You know that they don't work. But what you don't know is that you are stupid enough to make the resolutions year after year only to break them the next day. One thing that can work in your favour is try to live everyday without frowning. Just learn to be little more patient than what you are and take some time to listen to whatever crap you friend is trying to say. You don't have to solve his problems, but listen to them. That will give him a feeling that you are actually going to solve them.

Eat healthy and cut down on the junk food. Try not to skip meals at any cost. Don't drink on empty stomach. At the end of the day, even the most healthy persons when they get a check up done, suddenly finds out that they have a symptom in their body which is in moderate condition, if unattended would deteriorate further. Wear nice clothes and don't grudge on others salary, designation, his buxom wife and his material beings. You will only get what you are deserved. If there is any untoward incident that has happened to you, draw some courage which is there in you and hope that this too shall pass. It has to pass.

You may all have received wishes from your best of you buddies, but your wishes will be incomplete without me? No problem, you haven't felt it that way. Try to lend a helping hand, make others happy, keep your faith within and here is wishing you all a very happy new year.


Leo6 said...

Congratulations mastaru for maintaining this blog and well done with half a century of good posts in the last year.Go for a century in 2009.

One of the rare blogs where visitors are given the privilege.You are off to great start this year unlike your guru Roger.

I hope this will be your best year.Hope you will get promotion and you will be married this year:)

All the very best and may all your wishes come true.Cheers!

Rock said...

Thanks mate. I hope I will do one up this year atleast in blog as compared to last year.

I had to give privilege to my visitors or else I should be commenting on my posts :-p

May all your wishes come true too. Good luck and all the best.

DreamChasser said...

"Rock"ing man! Half a century sure shows your worth, but you are capable of shooting a post everyday. The essence of my words is that you have the exemplary ability to scribble on any topic picked from thin air. being a blogger myself, I know the amount of thoughts and time that need be invested for one post; and that's what keeps me mum for many a month. but you just roll out posts with ease. Great luck for this year and do keep us entertained with your livening posts.

Rock said...

Thanks DreamChasser for your supporting comments. People like you make the writing all the worthwhile.

Exemplary, wow, I am impressed. I strive to live up to the standards set and probably hope to tickle you with my entertaining posts.

Good luck and best year mate.