Thursday, August 09, 2007

My first blog

Well folks, welcome to my first ever blog. It doesn't need a formal inauguration as I just did, but to make you feel welcome like home and to enjoy your stay here, I had to say it ! Welcome onboard to ''

Hailing from India you might find my references to Cricket which is considered as religion in India, not anymore after the disgraceful exit from World Cup 2007. My reason for blogging,
nothing in particular, but I was bitten by the blog bug oflate. Just to type shit and see if I can also do, just as any other blogger in this world. Nice way to kill boredom and with the feedback that you blokes give in , I could decide whether I should go on or not. Eh.....but if the feedback is negative I am surely going to blog till I get it right. So you get the point !

You may find objectionable words or references here and there, but if you are reading this blog or any for that matter, you gotta be ready for anything .

Considering that there are no rules for blogging, this is a place to relax, vent your frustrations, share your views, narrate your experiences, crib on others what not, you are the King here !


Anonymous said...

This sure is fun mate, so from one Injun to another Injun, oh wait, I am an AngryInjun cause a PeacefulInjun don't make good copy...just felt like peeking into your world, seems like a lot in here to test the waters...

Don't mind me paying a visit, if don't wanna, I am good at house arresting meself

Kewl then,

Rock said...

Cool Sarah, I'm glad that you dared to visit my site.

Yeah a lot if you would like to test the waters but surely they aren't troubled waters.

Please feel free to visit whenever you feel like. Thanks for visiting the link and I hope you like what you see in here.