Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Back in July

That was the longest break that I had taken from writing on my stupid site. Part of it goes with my disappointment over the Wimbledon finals where the Swiss freak won again for the sixth time. My B/R profile answers few questions as to why I have taken a tennis break for an unknown duration. You wont anyhow comment here and that is why I have given you my B/R profile link so you read, comment and keep tab of my tennis expertise. Cheap advertising is what we all do.

This break is also killing my interest in writing. If you do things that you do regularly, there lies a chemical in brain which would process the thoughts faster than what it would do after a break. I am currently going through that phase now. Mind kickling boggling thing for you is I am saying tanks to that rare visitor who dropped in and was found lost like child in a topless bar after seeing no post.

On my front which you freaks are always interested to know what's happening in others lives, things have been very much the same since Sepoy Mutiny in 1857. As much as thoughts of not getting married are haunting, so much more are the thoughts of life after marriage.

Everything happens for a reason and we are mere dolls in the hands of the Almighty. My Grandmother used to say, He creates people on this earth only to kill his time and have fun. You and I do not know that secret and think that sho(r)t satisfaction is life.

Heard that recession is receding and are we going to see the economy getting better by early next year or what? That should ease the pressure on everyone's shoulders and release the thoughts of people holding tight to their chair in the office. Perhaps then, we could have more projects in running status than the stupid inhouse ones where there is no accountability.

Seminars given by expert lecturers will not always be effective. He can be talking a cutting edge research topic and if you have a chance to get seated at one of the last rows, nothing like it. Neither you have to nod your head like the ones who sit in the front do, even when they do not figure a bit nor you have to think twice to type an sms. Plus watching every hand movement of a good looking girl from the back rows is a bonus.

I do not know how many more times Federer will cause heartbreak to his opponents and his small contingent of anti-fans across the globe. I am in no mood to rant on him this time.

Thought of the day to wrap this crap up.

"A beautiful dress is of no use unless it inspires someone to take it off".

Okay, you want a real moral? If you see two persons battling it out for one thing, one experienced and one younger one, and if the experienced one wins that thing, it is not that his capabilities was alone responsible in achieving the thing. It is because he wants it more than the other person.

So if you are I am not getting what I want, it means you are lacking the killer instinct. Just because I struck you are does not mean I am stupid enough to take the example on me.

Unforced Errors:

1. Sania Mirza was once looking like a decent material in that green bridal dress she wore for her engagement.
2. Google and Microsoft are battling so hard that it may reach a stage that if you type Google in Windows Live search and Microsoft in Google search, would yield a result, "Did you mean my rival?"
3. If you are not using torrents to download latest English movies and that, then you need to have your head examined.
4. Following no tennis and cricket for a while was suddenly giving me lot of free time. When I was following them I had even more of free time.
5. My parents always remember the birthday that is celebrated according to our calendar, which is tomorrow. They forget to wish me on my actual birthday.
6. Pakistan's Prime Minister again raised a point that Kashmir issue has to be solved first before the two countries can hold a high level meeting on 26/11 attacks and my coding capabilities.
7. King of Pop, Michael Jackson death news is still undigestable because it was his music that I first started to listen before I branched out in English music.
8. Like a cat that is afraid to taste milk again after it got her mouth burnt when it tasted hot milk, so am I feeling about stock market trading.
9. Blogging relieves one for few moments and you will never understand it coz you never did wha t I said.
10. 10 is the number of avatars that Kamal Hassan portrayed in the movie Dasavatar.
11. I am not obliged to supply every new information that is possible by scratching my brain all the time to keep you hooked to this stupid blog.


DreamChasser said...

Benvenuto indietro! Welcome back, in Italian. Ahh mate, you are back with a bang. At least now would you believe that many of us are missing your blogs?? Keep posting man! Your bold thoughts with a sarcastic tone are inimitable. Acclamazioni. Cheers, in Italian again.

Rock said...

I hope so that I am providing entertaiment to your folks which was one of the motives in starting a blog, rather than preaching.

Nice to know you liking it whatever crap I write in my style.

In your new found love for a new language, Grazie molte. Si.