Friday, December 07, 2007

Net is slow

That's the Friday update. We normally get away by saying, net slow instead of saying internet is slow. A lot of slang is raking up in English and in our regional languages as well. Some people might think it is uber cool to use short cuts and slangs. I've also tried few times but it more often comes naturally. Nothing comes naturally unless you forcibly scream your lungs out.

The normal perception is, even though you haven't got anything to do with the internet for the time being, you still like to have jet setting speed hitting your modem. This is something analogous to holding a remote control in your hand, when you know that you are not going to change your favourite match or program that you are currently viewing. Something similar to having sambar in your dish along with chutney even though you are not particular about idly sambar combination. Something similar to keeping your mobile in your pocket while going out for a tea break even though you are god damn sure that there is no one who is going to call you at that hour. Few things that we involuntarily accept pretending a voluntary need. Happens more so with work. When you know that internet is slow, you have a tendency not to work. As it is, work is not hectic and on top of that if this beeping net is creeping slow and that too when it's a Friday, you can understand the mood and feel of the employees.

My thanks to the commenters who are posting their comments. So the feedback that I obtained for my skit was encouraging. A notch above, satisfactory, which I expected. I am trying my best not to project a dull image in my post in the weekend. Infact who likes to read a post that is sullen and morose. And who wants to befriend a friend who is not smiling? We don't smile often but we always like people that are smiling and chirpy. I found a blog ( that was interesting to read, in which the author(s) do try to paint a silly picture and yet try to bring a smile out of the reader. I would say it was interesting to read how the writer(s) penned the lines. I doubt though if I am going to visit that site again. But I had seen a quote there that tickled me.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience - Dilbert

God knows when will I be utilised to atleast half my potential. Days are passing on. Years are marching on. But the quest for knowledge and expertise is still on. Did you ever hear Roger Federer screaming, Come on ?!


Anonymous said...

"Slow Net" happens in most places in India dear.
You are using some potential as good writer and should use some as good DJ.
How about acting??

Good Luck!!

Anonymous said... is a good one.Thanx
There is drought for movie scripts these days.Give a try Rock.