Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No change

I do have a feeling that, if I tell people what I am going to do next, I somehow reckon the work that I intended would not succeed. My DJ thing which I said, I was looking forward to in the weekend did not work out as the DJ, who I am supposed to meet, evaded me ( not sure what's there in his mind) by putting an excuse. I am not a super mind reader that can scan yours and take a print out, I might be wrong as well. So I could not try my hand. But I am not going to leave this unfulfilled wish of mine biting the dust. I have a t-shirt that has a caption saying ' I never give up' . Time to grab some inspiration out of it and work my way hard be it pestering, nagging or shelling money out of my pocket. I have to play once on the players, atleast for the two .wav CD's that I got burnt.

Beyond that, we had three days off, with Monday being a festival day celebrated in Northern India. Karva Chauth as it is called, is followed by women for their husbands to live safer and experience the torture created by their dear wives, for a little longer. Women do a fast ( if I am not supplying the wrong information here) and have their dinner in the night, only after seeing the moon. What if the moon was hiding behind the clouds ? Do they assume the light behind the clouds as the moonlight and feast on the varieties of dishes that were made ? Or what if it was a no-moon day, were my immediate doubts. Satanic brain, satanic doubts. Nonetheless, one has to sincerely appreciate their dedication and I feel the culture and family relations are strong in India till date, only I guess, due to these. What a traditional - mawkish - lunatic geek I am.

Any head on the shoulders bloke would have had a whale of a time for having three days off. And me, considering what a lazy bug I am turning out to be, with no belly yet - being the sole exception to my slim frame, spent my off days on bed watching the ever so dirty idiot box. This time it's dirty not only for the programmes it airs, but also of the dust that it is covered it. No, I am not going to clean it. May be I am trying for the best dust rested on TV award. If I clean the dirt, who is going to sort out the hissing noise that is generated continuously, the TV mechanic obviously. Unless he fixes it, I am not going to clean it and how does the mechanic know if my TV is alright or not, I have to make a phone call. So now you know how long it might take to wipe of the smooth soft dust.

I am not going to tell my adventures next time. In the first place, I shouldn't have shouted to the whole world, that I am trying for a DJ. Mistakes happen with everyone and if we try not to repeat the same, we would be better off in life. But there is always room for just that required number of mistakes only to console ourselves later, shrugging and saying, after all we are human beings.

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