Sometimes I try to entertain you and I sometimes I deliberately try to suck the wind out of you with my posts. Either way I am trying to do something which you are not doing. So you get the point. Change starts from there itself. Doing something which others have been thinking for an eternity to do and you putting that one step forward than the herd to show them the difference of what that one step could make, is the inspiration that the author wishes it's readers to take from this brainless blog. In Olympics, it would be a gold medal for your country. In real life, it gives you a chance to explore the myriad of things that you are capable of doing which you initially felt were incapable of attempting. Difference? That one step forward than the regular herd. Read the static quote that has been kept at the top of the page ever since this piece of writing came into existence, if you are still in daze. You get a picture of what I am trying to bark here. Don't step aside but step forward. That's my quote of the day.
Return of one colleague after an onsite visit from the head office has lightened up the miserable lives of few people here. When someone asks me how are things with you, I give the default response, "Yeah, things are good, fine. No complaints". That's how things are during this 9th month. May be I don't want to think too much about the future. You too don't because it is uncertain. There are times when you can find two or more terrific quotes in one post which means, the creative juices are really flowing in my metalhead.
Everyone has their dreams, wishes and dishes. But not everyone is going to fulfill them. They don't lack the desire to fulfill them. Few pathetic freaks give up even before attempting them saying, You should also have luck to fulfill it. I am one of them. But the band of boys in Rock On movie, din't give up even though they left their music 10 years back. One final gathering, one final performance, one splendid climax song to wrap up the two and half hour show lets the audience to deliver their final verdict, which is - Rock on rocks.
End of the world, the series of gory Delhi blasts, financial firms like Lehmann Brothers and Merill Lynch going bankrupt, US economy slowdown and it's after effects on the rest of the world, Stock market crashes and the nineth month haven't just ended yet. This is just the beginning of the end. But there is a Lord and do you know that he is still your friend ?
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