So what do you do when you get sometime on a Friday like this where it's a holiday in Bangalore and Hyderabad in some offices on account of Ugadi ? Go through your Phonebook and make a call to your favourite opposite gender who is your fan and can spend some time with you talking some crap which you would like to hear as well. You know that your Phonebook is just not to store the numbers but is also to maintain good relationships.
When was the last time you made calls one-by-one to the friends of your choice on a normal day? The call is worth more than a rupee you are thinking about.
Ok, on a totally different plane, do you know why more than half the people get so pissed off with their jobs and feel like a change? The reason is this. It is lack of motivation. I am not really at that stage but that motivation station may soon arrive for me as well.
In this recession time (read IBM has cut 5000 jobs recently) you cannot really look for excuses. Work on projects not of your choice and no doubt you would be under the gun if you quibble over the location of the project. The good news is BSE has touched 10,000 mark in a while now. It can be a short recovery but nevertheless some hope to some traders who were brutally assaulted by the index when they invested at 21k mark.
I still am not enrolled into playing tennis. Last year same time when I was learning my abc's of the game and was highly passionate to get on to the court every day. I badly used to wait for the weekend when I was taught the game for just couple of hours. This is 2009 and you see the change.
I am quite good on you today even though I know I am turning lethargic with no activity seen round the corner. It is because today is our New Year and we have a sentiment that whatever we do today, we would be doing the same good thing for the rest of the year. The fact that is also pleasant has also prevented you from receiving some whiplashes.
Not always you end typing a whole lot of crap when you still din't know what you want to type at first. It takes a shape of this course. This is one clear indicator that make a start and you would find some shape to whatever you want to achieve. In my case the end of this post.
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