Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lazy - Disinclined to activity or exertion

There are times with each one of us, where we might have felt L-A-Z-Y at sometime or the other, whether in office or house or at any place where you visited . At this point of time, I am precisely ...beeping...lazy about the stuff that's going around me and I resorted to blogging to spring in some action.

The subject today - you got it. If you din't, you are retarded. Do the following steps and you'd be on earth atleast, if not on moon, provided you don't over do these. Stretch your legs, puts your hands at the back of your head, look at the roof, listen to music ( no, no music, it makes you active) rest your head on the chair, turn your eyes left and right for once, take a deep breath and relax. You'd suddenly wonder how I wish this madly paced world would come to a grinding halt. It's good to relax and do things at your own pace and not over exert yourself. Leave the office things in the office. Work in the office itself is a burden ( it's not for me at this stage of my career, so that's why I am blogging ) and why the heck do you folks want to take those office things to your house as well, causing additional burden, venting your frustrations to the dearest ones around you? Because it is only on living things like pets, humans or even trees, that you want to throw your might on. So ,next time when you want to bully someone or when you feel like banging your monitor hard, so ...beeping ...hard that you can't even think of gluing it again and putting it back into shape for reuse, look yourself in the mirror - the serious, ugly, idiotic, jack- ass face ( and you thought you are the smartest and charismatic bloke on earth) and try throwing your might on yourself. Bet, you cannot sustain doing that for long. You'd be back to normal, quicker than when you had the intention on yelling at people around you.

Laziness is caused when people are complacent with their job, when they do not have any specific targets to achieve for the month, when you feel you had seen most things in life, when people are reluctant to move, when you are not guided by someone at your workplace or not properly taken care of, when you eat excessively, when you are fat and when you don't have specific interests in your life and etcetera. These are not facts of life taken from a life science journal but are things that are made out of introspection. Subject matter is going to strike again and again. So , to eliminate this bug, get busy with something.

And why am I preaching here like a dumb ass ? Because Laziness leads to frustration. Frustration is the mother of all disasters. So peeeooopull ( people ) , as I remind of my Italian friend in my graduation who had this peculiar way of saying 'people', I guess, a part of it comes with their language as well, if you feel like doing nothing in this world - start blogging, start browsing, make a phone call to a jerk who can talk at length, listen to music, run on the road ( read as jog) like a streaker on a cricket ground, watch porn, munch popcorn, try rapping (What's my name ??? doggieee......dogg) - engage yourself in some freaking activity that moves your presently firmly rooted feet. Let the thoughts in your brain flow as smoothly as girl's mane - wow, some rhyme there - don't make the brain sedate , don't get complacent. And if you do so, you'd feel you are well past your prime. You would start thinking, I was good in my past, but now, oflate I feel, I lost a touch of memory, I'm not as competitive as I used to be which would make you lethargic and am I not starting all over again, damn.

And did we talk about jack ass before ? How often we become or been forced into one? I was 'Lazy' in booking my air ticket from Delhi to Hyderabad by one day. I was excited to find a cheaper fare yesterday and I delayed booking the ticket thinking, ah ...let me book tomorrow. Now I end up paying more than double the offer price today. And boy, I became one today !


parth said...
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Anonymous said...

nice blog praveen!!good to c that u've started blogging...keep up the gud wrk :)