2. I am moving from here.
3. Read the first.
Finally the much awaited change has taken place to shake the tectonic plates lying underneath me. Though one change cannot be better than the other in any form but one sure can say the second has happened because of the first. "Marriage will definitely bring new changes in your life" echoed my best mate and I believed it when he said it.
I used to feel the same too but never did I believe in it that much as when he said it. Whether the change is good or bad depends on how we mould it?
This stupid space which has been dried up for ages has come alive before this Diwali with torch lights flooding the center of the page. How long the light flashes on it is anybody's guess. But today is a gift that is why it is called present.
Putting down the papers and still coming to the office to serve the notice period is one of the toughest things. Your existence ceases the moment you lay down the papers. Not as though I was existing before but the confirmation arrives in some form after laying down. Every hour you spend is a nightmare with every half hour accounting to a daymare.
Struggling to put 2 and 2 on the key board for I lost the habit of my writing and the absence of my dumb wit is not helping the matters. There still is one thing lingering in my mind despite the change. Have to do something about it.
I scroll up and down to see how paras I have done so I can wind up, but it was only three short paragraphs. Hence I blabber on.
One feels relieved when he puts his papers. So will be the child when you changes his diapers. Ain't you afraid to burn the crackers?
Probably my worst post. But it still is better than yours.