Not so. That is why I am blogging. It surely is flying for the D day but not so much in the four walled cubicle that I am sitting in. A feeling of regret is creeping because I am doing nothing exciting before I embark on the donkey's ride. Worse, I am eating Maggi every alternate night to compensate for my lazy cooking inactivity. To every log that reads "
Enjoy your last few Bachelor days", is added by people, the more the back bends and the mind goes berserk.

I remember wishing people the same and no one evoked much response when they were heading for their marriage. I got excited that they should be doing something special for those last few days, but no, I don't think many folk had much fun. Putting myself in those shoes now, I am hardly running to keep myself fit. People normally work hard on their body and looks so that they could look better in shape for the day which is a couple of months away.

They do gymming and Himalayan trekking to send their belly as much as inside so that they feel confident, looking in the mirror and infront of the public at the reception. Face packs, facials and bleaching which were once designated for ladies are becoming a rage in Men's saloon parlours. I know couple of friends who reduced atleast 5 kilos to look young. One mate started running to reduce the belly and body fat.
Me doing nothing. I am scratching my head. I was better looking for my brothers engagement but as the day is approaching there is a sick look that is coming on my face. There is no motivation to eat , cook, sleep and work out. I haven't even done my shopping. All these things put together make up a question,
why am I not kick-ass excited? I probably realize that the things that are heading later after the official bell may not be that rosy afterall.

Proof? Look at that pathetic freak in your office or your neighbour who got married recently. There is one lingering thought that has been rummaging my mind to which there are no
openings. The bloke sitting next to me says,
"the count down has begun". Yeah, at a rapid pace, the time is flying.
Unforced Errors:1. After that BP oil spill, it is the turn of Mumbai oil spill and you have no inkling where you are heading to.
2. Ok, take this. An ice berg which is 4 times the size of Manhattan was broken in Arctic and is travelling at some pace. It might take an year before it hits the oil rigs and ships. If it melts, water level in the oceans can rise upto 6 metres with your pants dropping by half a metre.
3. My fiance' said she is like coconut. Hard outside and soft inside. I laughed.
4. New recruits from colleges are good this time. They are smarter than me because they know where they are heading to.
5. If you know the destination, the journey to that spot will take its on course. Do a Google patent search before you claim this line.
6. If you DO NOT Know the destination, where you and I fall in, then wait for the unforgettable kick on the fear. Free to use this one.
7. You should see '
Once upon a time in Mumbai' just for Ajay Devgan's commanding presence as a gangster on the screen.
8. Every time Laxman scores a fifty or above in a Test match, it looks Very Very Special.
9. Why is Roger's cup called a Roger's cup? Roger is not going to win it anymore. He is world number three for the first time since 2003....he..he..heee.
10. Seems like I never learn from stock markets. Thank your heavens if you haven't invested in it. It is not for the weak and the meek.
11. Ever wondered why August 4th was important? No, you don't.
Vi ses!