This god damn running nose is trying to spoil my new year imaginary plans and never it had been this way in the past oh - so how many years. Eyes have gone red and they have swollen a bit due to strain or perhaps due to no drain of cold fluids from the system yet.
Probable reason for my eccentric barking is to let out the steam that has been building inside and also waiting for the clock to tick over 4pm. So I can put my wallet in the pocket and run from here as I did when I was in my engineering days to catch the first bus after the end of the day. Folks would like to gather spend time with their mates but if you are one freaking solo fighter all you have got is zero social network and -1 moral science theory.
As I promised in my last blog, Avatar 2D was not great. Had the movie been made with humans it would had been a dud with the same story line. A 3D version of it would enable you to appreciate the magnanimity involved in the making of it. Visual effects could be exemplary. But with a 2D, if you are physically strained on that particular movie watching day, before you understand what the movie is all about the first would be over and you would, like me, sleep at the climax in the second half.
Day before New Year should be exciting. Back in those days, the single tea's used to spend time at home watching all the Tv programs till 12 mid night and cut a cake probably and go to bed immediately. If your Dad is a Govt employee in a decent rank, you would receive tasteless apples which you would hate to eat. Now you are thinking twice to buy the same apples at exorbitant rates. If you get something for free, chances are you would go easy on that. There is a thrill in saying things which you freaks already know.
As you grow older, you end up asking people, "What are your plans tonight?", to which no particular freak has a definite answer. That is because as time grows by you become matured, your instincts die, you become professional, you lose friends, you cannot spend money and most importantly you don't have the excitement on a 31st night.
It is a great feeling taking into account the entire world in your favour by unleashing one's unscrupulous thoughts spoiling their mood just in time so you can go out and celebrate unashamedly.
Happy New Year !