Because it is not Nov 27 which is the official thanks giving day in the US. Sounds like I got a bit wiser in stocks. Meaning, instead of making heavy losses I waited patiently to bail out of some trouble. It's still a loss but you will learn things with experience.
How much experience is needed? I dream of becoming big one day in stocks, just to show Daddy that I made it big. Demystifying day-trading in stocks is my top priority. My gut instincts should predict something approximately close to accuracy with the assistance of global cues, that's when I think I solved the mystery. I don't have the charts to look like the ones present at financial and securities firms and hence instincts is my only tool. Hold on. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, AIG, Warner Brothers, Ram Babu productions and Good Friends movies all had charts only for display to their investors and make them a fool.

An MBA market researcher/fund manager/wealth manager/financial planning manager - to me all those designations are the same no matter what you've written as answers for those in your MBA examinations - can fall on the floor and laugh with my 'instinct' tool. So do I at your stupid ECG charts. One common thing to the bloke looking at the chart and advising his clients to buy and sell the stocks at some value and me is, we both know nobody is sure which is the right price to sell, hold or buy a particular share. Atleast I am following my gut feeling with little experience and I have a sense of satisfaction that my money is my hands rather than letting a moron who is thousand times moroner than me to play with it. This duffer will be managing hundreds of crores of rupees and will be having elite clients in his network. Ok, I agree you too are qualified MBA graduates from premiere B schools.
Again. What sort of a definition is a fund manager who manages your funds? Do you think he does it without any business motive? Why should you let someone to manage your assets where you need to disclose all your loans, properties, age, sex (that he can make out) including your grandfathers name? He would use a stupid tool to input all these data that you reveal and estimate that you need to have this many crores if you are living for this much amount of time . He would then advise you to buy a policy worth some duration which will not suffice your expenses totally but may partly fulfill your need and your wife, if incase you expire suddenly, God forbid. If you don't buy after listening to his crap for one hour, he would say, 'Sir, what is the problem. I suggested the best policy available and you yourself has given me the inputs'.
End result. A guy like me will be obliged and the one like you will not be. Yeah, I obliged. So no thanks giving to him.

Good news to you freaks after every country's economy is tumbling like nine pins. Latest to face the music is Germany. G20 summit is there for our rescue at Washington in the weekend where all the world leaders will be assembled on one stage to bail the world out of the economic crisis which has been the worst since World War -II, with universal interest cut rates and yeah, stuff like that. Once they scale the top of the summit they would then know that there is a free slope extending from the top to the interiors of the Antarctica.They can take polar bears then as advisors to their next global meet.