Normally I am not film crazy freak but yesterday was one incident when I felt relieved to see someone trying to bring a change in the politics and none other Megastar is suited for the job. Hence this post.
Default liner that can be written in red :
Every telugu person has to like Chiranjeevi for what he has shown and how he has entertained us on the silver screen at some stage in his life. If he doesn't, then that person has a serious defect in his cranium that has to be rectified.The news is finally out of the bag and Megastar Chiranjeevi is entering into politics. Yesterday there was a press meet in his party office and it kicked off with a bang. The entire state was glued to the Tv sets by 3 p.m to see the meet. Only TV crew and reporters were allowed for the meet and the hall was packed to the maximum.
Chiranjeevi started off the speech by confirming that he is entering into politics and cited couple of reasons for his entry. Cameras started flashing and a little turn of his head resulted in atleast 20 flashes. He stated that he went on to meet Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam few times and during one meet, the man Chiru respects the most, went on to say that " You should enter politics. I am not saying this because you are a movie star but as a person I know you are good at heart". That's one incident which cleared the suspicion that he had over politics.

Another incident that moved Chiru quite deeply was when an IT professional wrote in his letter moments before his death that, he could not vote for Chiranjeevi and he could not see Chiranjeevi as a politician. This is one incident that made Chiru determined to enter into politics.
After that Chiru was telling how the four people who were there as a background poster on the podium on which Megastar was standing, have influenced him. They were Dr. Ambedkar, Bapu ji, Mother Teresa and an other eminent personality. Chiru is particularly an ardent follower of Mother Teresa's principles. After finishing his uninterrupted speech for about 15 minutes, he let the press to fire their questions.
Chiru answered every question patiently and courteously giving a chance to most of the reporters. He did not try to avoid any question. Questions regarding the party flag, it's name and it's ideologies will be revealed in the Mega meet that will be held at Tirupati on August 26, which also is the birthday of Mother Teresa.
Chiranjeevi answered almost all the questions with ease. He was very comfortable and confident while tackling the media. He was little formal in answering them. Had he shown his tinge of comedy, the crowd would have been spellbound. Below are few questions from the plethora questions that were targeted at him.
Reporter: Do you support leftism or rightism?
Chiru :I support humanism.
Reporter: What do you do when you come to politics? How are you going to do any better than others?
Chiru : I may not do different things to what others are currently doing but I will definitely do things in a different way where the result of which should be felt down to the poor.
Reporter: Do you stop acting in movies?
Chiru : It's very heartbreaking to say that I want to stop acting in movies. If there is any awareness type of movie and would be useful to the society, I would definitely do it.
Reporter: From where would you like to contest in the elections?
Chiru : I am free to contest from any place in the state. People wanted to me to join politics and I am here because of them. I do not have any problem contesting from any place.
The last question he finished off on a high note.
Reporter: What do you know about politics so that you have a right to enter into it?
Chiru : I don't know about politics. But I can understand the pain of the poor. When I established blood bank I don't even know how many blood groups are there. But when a person whose relative was survived with the timely supply of blood, that gave me immense satisfaction which neither of my movies could give when they went to become all time hits. I will try to make sure that the poor are really looked after.
To sum it up, he said in one of the lines, till now I've acted in various roles. I've received your appreciation, I've got money, I've got name. I am
NOT entering into politics for name, fame and wealth. I've all of them in some quantity. I could act in movies but in politics, I don't have a chance to act. I have to live in it. From now on, my life will be dedicated to the welfare of the poor and the well being of the society. Jai hind !

Chiru posed in front of the four people as the background and stretched his hands wide smiling. He showed thumbs up and that should convey the message to every freaking politician on the circuit.